The second wave of Corona virus negatively affected general health of people, particularly for the patients who were infected. Even after recovery from the infection, very few are able to get back on their previous health state due to the lazy lifestyle. This is where Yoga can truly make things work for you. Below are three Yoga asanas which are effective in speedy recovery of your health. Staff Pose- This basic asana has numerous advantages for the body. It extends the shoulders and chest, reinforces the back muscles, and improves posture Procedure- • Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out towards the front. Keep the back straight, you may sit on a cover or a pad to keep the pelvis somewhat raised. To guarantee ideal arrangement of the chest area, you can sit against a wall. The sacrum and the shoulder bones should contact the wall, yet lower back and the rear of the head must not. • Sit on the front of the sitting bones so the pubis and tailbone are equidist...